
So you need Healing (50%), Knowledge (70%), Inspiration (40%), and Strength (56%)?

Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of endurance, freedom of thought, wisdom, truth, beauty, and illumination of the mind and spirit. He assists us in absorbing intricate information and in dealing with complex matters, and guides us along our aspired spiritual path to enlightenment. (大天使約菲爾是代表心智與精神的耐力、思想自由、智慧、真理、美麗與教化的天使。祂幫助我們吸收精密的資訊、處理複雜的事務,並引領我們走向開悟的靈性道途。)

Jophiel, inclined to help us see and maintain beauty in life, is the Patron Angel of artists and helps them in every step towards the completion of their work. Also, he loves those using inventions, discoveries, or revolutionary ideas for the greater good of humanity, and gives them special support, for as well-meant as the efforts of a pioneer often are, success will seldom come without doubt and humiliation. (約菲爾幫助我們看見並維持生活中的美,祂是藝術家的守護天使,幫祝他們一步一步完成作品。祂也喜愛那些為人類發明、發現、創新更好物品的人,並給他們特別的支持,一個開創者通常除了有著良善的出發點也同樣努力,於是成功是必然並當之無愧。)

Jophiel shares with us his wisdom and selfless patience that will strengthen us at times when we are close to resignation, and encourages those who are wishing to make a change that seems impossible to do to keep going. He teaches that everything can be made possible.

Striving and struggling souls, continuously searching for solutions and answers will find the strong and unshakable support they need in Jophiel, which goes for spiritual matters as well as earthly problems calling for solutions. He comforts those that were denigrated and abandoned, unwearyingly staying by their side to light their way and lead them out of hopelessness and despair. Jophiel is also concerned in beautifying the planet by cleansing it of pollution and lends his assistance to those engaging in the vital mission of helping our environment.

A Bit of Trivia:

Jophiel is one of the two Angels assisting Michael in battle, the other being Zadkiel. Just like Gabriel and Ariel, Jophiel is sometimes referred to as female. (約菲爾是協助麥可戰鬥的二位天使中的其中一位,另一位是薩基爾。如同加百列與亞列爾,祂也常被視為女性。)

Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=0

Compared to other takers

  • 53/100 You scored 50% on Healing療育, higher than 53% of your peers.
  • 73/100 You scored 70% on Knowledge智識, higher than 73% of your peers.
  • 33/100 You scored 40% on Inspiration靈感, higher than 33% of your peers.
  • 43/100 You scored 56% on Strength 勇氣, higher than 43% of your peers.

How everyone did

  • Healing Distribution


  • Knowledge Distribution


  • Inspiration Distribution


  • Strength Distribution


    創作者 貞貞魷魚絲 的頭像


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